
Information in compliance with § 5 TMG:

Hans Schröder Maschinenbau GmbH
Feuchten 2 | 82405 Wessobrunn-Forst | Germany

T +49 8809 9220-0 | F +49 8809 9220-700 | E

Authorized chief executive officer: Franz Schröder, Markus Hibler

Adress of record: Wessobrunn-Forst

Registration court München München | HRB 52662 | VAD. ID-Nr. DE811325367

Person responsible for content according to §10 section 3 MDStV:
Franz Schröder, Markus Hibler (address as above)

General information
The utmost care was taken to ensure the correctness and entirety of the information on the website. However, errors cannot be excluded completely.